Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I love Halloween. And so shall my dog.

Tonight is the pet halloween party at work. I've been pondering what Bug should go as. Rather than purchase something, I decided to be brave and make something. I think it suits her...Presenting Bug: The Ewok.

sidenote: yes, I know its blurry...but you try holding the camera straight when you're laughing your ass off.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Oh MY GOD!! That is HILARIOUS!! She does look like an ewok!!

At 1:32 PM, Blogger sue said...

OHHHH.... BUGGIE!!!!! What a cutie! Hilarious! If you don't win the costume contest, there is something wrong with the judges. That's another "keeper" for Grandma...

Love it!! ...and you MADE it? Awww, I'm SO proud...

At 4:47 AM, Blogger sue said...

I showed dad tonight and he laughed so hard he about fell off his chair.

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Mr. Rodacre said...

that's right... I'm late to the party but that is AWESOME!


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